A Barry Gymnastics Club is proud to call itself ‘A Gym for All’ and provides classes for all age ranges. The adult sessions offered at YMCA Barry have clearly been a success as this year the club entered a team of six adult gymnasts into the British Adult Championships.

Back L – R: Zoe Greenwood, Rosie Cumming, Jon Davies, Gareth Slocombe & Thandiwe McDonnell.Back L – R: Zoe Greenwood, Rosie Cumming, Jon Davies, Gareth Slocombe & Thandiwe McDonnell. (Image: Jacqui Bennett.)

Impressively, all six gymnasts came home with at least one medal which was a huge achievement when competing against gymnasts from all over Britain. The results are as follows:

Jon Davies became the Intermediate 30 years and over British Champion and Gareth Slocombe placed 2nd in the Intermediate over 30’s Trampolining category. In addition, the six team members comprising of Jon Davies, Gareth Slocombe, Jacqui Bennett, Thandiwe McDonnell, Rosie Cumming and Zoe Greenwood competed together within the mixed aged Novice Team Tumbling competition and placed 3rd overall. Notably, Jon also became the British Novice Tumbling Champion out of all the different age groups.

YMCA Barry Gymnastics has classes suitable from babies a few weeks old all the way to teen and adult gymnastics classes. If you are looking for a class for yourself or for your child, please contact YMCA Barry by calling 01446 724000, emailing christine@ymcabarry.org.uk or messaging on social media @ymcabarry.