MORE than 40 women were playing for leather golf handbags on Captain's Day at Brynhill Golf Club recently.

The sun shone as the games took place, followed by a presentation, meal and wine, organised by captains Chris Hopkins and Jo Kirkpatrick.

Winners included Glynis Gould in the silver division with 38 points, Liz Taylor in the bronze division with 40 points, and Babs Richard in the copper division with 44 points.

Sue Holland achieved nearest the pin, while Sue Bounds won nearest the line.

The day also featured an enlightening Rules Right for both new and seasoned lady golfers, discussing the international new handicap system, golf courtesy, correct attire, fair play, hazards, and how to play out of a difficult position on the course.

Elsewhere, Jean Ludvicson and Hilary Morgan won the Australian Spoons with 37 points, with Sam Pascoe winning the Dr Owen Cup with 81 gross.

The Gloucester Bowl winners were Lily O'Carroll with 38 points in the silver division, Chris Hopkins with 33 points in the bronze division, and, in the copper division, Hilary Morgan with 30 points.

Jane Phillips won the Vets Trophy with 35 points.

Meanwhile, the qualifiers for the Championship were Sam Pascoe, Lynda Lloyd, Robbie Lee, Lisa Taylor, Linda Hewlett, Jane Phillips, Julie Hardin, and Lily O'Carroll.

Sarah Thomas, Carole Bumford, Jo Hopkins, Glynis Gould and Lorraine Gittings won the nine hole competitions.