EXTRACTS from the Barry & District News of March 5, 1953:

Plans to celebrate the Coronation at Barry Island were discussed at a meeting held at the YPA Hall, when it was agreed to form a committee to organise a joint Field Day, Mr D B Wiltshire was appointed convenor of the committee.

Work has commenced on the dismantling of another coal hoist - a further indication of the declining coal trade at Barry Docks.

The Barry Road Safety Committee is organising a quiz competition among the OAP Branches in Barry, and Mrs Russell Evans and Mr J Pereira attended a meeting of the No 3 Branch on Monday to conduct the proceedings.

The Fonmon collection of records to which Mr Stan Awbery, JP, MP, has made reference in his articles on the Vale of Glamorgan and its villages, has created considerable interest since they were transferred by the owner.


EXTRACTS from the Barry & District News of March 9, 1978:

A very surprised man was how the Mayor of the Vale (Cllr John Cotter) described himself when he won a £2,000 Mini car at the Round Table annual charity Ball at Bindles on Friday night.

Mr Bert Binding and his son Peter, who run G J Binding and Sons, Channel Boatmen, were called in to search after a helicopter, loaned to the Severn Trent and Wessex Water Authorities, crashed into the Severn Estuary on Thursday.

On Friday, Mr Malcolm Downes gave a talk to the Barry Camera Club about the use of lighting in portrait work.

"St David" was the theme of a talk given by Mrs Sally Evans to members of the Dinas WRVS Darby and Joan Club last week.

The February meeting of the Penarth and Barry Branch of the United Commercial Travellers' Association took place at The Commodore, Penarth on Friday week with the new chairman Mr J Vining in the chair.