The Vale of Glamorgan Council has approved plans to convert a building at Cadoxton Primary School into a day care nursery facility.

The project also involves constructing a new single storey extension, a raised decking area, a playground, and parking facilities.

The plan was greenlit with specific conditions.

Work must begin within five years from the approval date and adhere to the approved plans.

The materials used for the development must be pre-approved by the council before use.

Similarly, details of the windows and doors to be used in the facility must be approved before installation.

Any changes or additions to enclosures, like railings, must be approved before the nursery starts operations.

The development must not begin use until car and cycle parking spaces are provided as per the approved plan.

The recommendations from a protected species survey will be followed during site clearance and construction.

Any vegetation clearance must be conducted outside the nesting season, generally from March to August, unless it can be shown that no birds are nesting.

Before the facility is used, a Biodiversity Enhancement Strategy must be approved and implemented.

This strategy will include bird or bat box provisions, landscaping features, and additional ecological enhancements.

No existing vegetation will be cleared until a detailed landscaping scheme is approved.

This scheme will identify trees and hedgerows to be retained and must include suitable off-site planting to compensate for lost scrub.

A drainage scheme must also be approved and completed before the nursery can start operations.