A new play area in Rhoose will be created following a £180,000 programme of improvement works.

The Vale of Glamorgan Council has secured Section 106 funds to invest in the children's play area at Celtic Way Park.

The plans for the play area were finalised after a consultation with residents and community groups at a drop-in event and through an online survey.

The new play area will have swings, a roundabout, a seesaw, slides, and sensory activities, all with a nature theme.

Many of the activities will be inclusive.

The Vale Local Nature Partnership and community group, Replant Rhoose, have already undertaken bulb, wildflower, and tree planting at the site earlier in the year.

Contractors are expected to begin construction on the site in late October 2024, and it's estimated to take around five weeks to complete the project.

Councillor Mark Wilson, cabinet member for neighbourhood and building services, said: "Thank you to everyone who has helped shape this project so far through the consultation stages.

"I'm looking forward to seeing the designs come to life, and the upgraded facility open to the community.

"I hope that the new play area will be enjoyed by children for years to come."