A yacht was heading dangerously towards the 'Middle Grounds' of the Bristol Channel and had to be rescued.

At 5.22pm, Friday, September 27, RNLI Penarth Lifeboat Station were requested by HM Coastguard - South and West Wales to launch the Atlantic 85 to assist a yacht with engine trouble.

RNLI Penarth RNLI Penarth (Image: RNLI Penarth) The Volunteer RNLI lifeboat located the casualty vessel which was under sail, but being pushed toward the sandbank.

Two crewmembers were put aboard to assist with lowering the sails and to establish a tow.

The yacht was taken to Cardiff Barage and left safe at the taxi berth.

The lifeboat returned to the station and readied for service

A spokesperson for RNLI Penarth said: 'The volunteer RNLI crew were thankful the yacht had the equipment and foresight to contact the HM Coastguard at an early stage.

"The large fast-moving tide in the channel can escalate what would usually be run of the mill into something more dangerous."