AN investigation surrounding a potential sewage leak in a Barry park is being carried out.

Parade Gardens in Barry has been subject to an investigation by wastewater company Welsh Water.

Calls for an investigation into the potential leak were introduced by residents last April after a pet dog in the area died from contracting suspected E-coli.

A spokesperson for Welsh Water said: “Our crews have conducted CCTV surveys of the sewer network in the Parade Gardens area of Barry.

"This work will allow us to identify any potential issues in the network. So far, no issues have been found, however, we are continuing to survey the network.”

Residents of Parade Gardens are keen to know what the investigation will reveal.

Concerned Residents-Sue Carroll, Sally Evans, Lyn Jones, Nathan Jones, Kate Watts, Sue Evans, and Mike Fry.Concerned Residents-Sue Carroll, Sally Evans, Lyn Jones, Nathan Jones, Kate Watts, Sue Evans, and Mike Fry. (Image: Sue Carroll) Sue Caroll, whose dog Cleo died, said: “I am pleased Welsh Water is finally taking action to find what is causing the problem of the spillage of sewage polluted water in the Parade Gardens.

“I hope that, once the problem has been identified,  prompt action will be taken to deal with it and put an end to the threat of E Coli infection.”

On September 26 residents gathered at a manhole in the park where the spillage is believed to have originated.  Since this took place, the manhole cover itself has come off.The exposed manhole in Parade GardensThe exposed manhole in Parade Gardens (Image: Sue Carroll) Sue said: “The cover has blown off, sewage tainted debris is scattered over an area with a circumference of 50ft. I have told Welsh Water that part of the park needs to be closed off.

“It's really dangerous --a gaping hole has opened up and earth around feels unsafe, as if it might subside and the metal struts securing the manhole cover have been undone so it could fly off and kill somebody if there is a jet of water.”

Sue continued: “There is also the risk of pollution -- it's sewage polluted water that spills out. The security fencing is a joke.”

In a message to Sue, one resident stated: “I’m worried about their work causing a sink hole and cliff damage underground.”

The ongoing issues have since been reported to Jane Hutt a member of the Senedd for The Vale of Glamorgan.

A meeting between the residents and Welsh Water to address concerns is due to be carried out.