A Silent Disco held by singer opera Charlotte Church took place last Wednesday evening (September 18th). The Disco was held at Whitmore Bay, Barry, and was carried out in support of Charlotte’s organisation ‘The Anwen Project.’

On its website the Anwen Project describes itself as ‘pioneering a new model for learning environments: where young people are championed to be themselves and follow their passions as active participants in a democratic community.’

Before the Disco a ‘Moon Ceremony’ was held in celebration of the Pisces full moon.

Singer Charlotte Church Singer Charlotte Church (Image: NQ)


At the event Charlotte walked barefoot along the Barry Island Promenade burning incense sticks. During the ceremony she instructed attendees to do the following:

“She’s called mother moon, so you just image yourself seeing mother moon.”

“Imagine that you are now some sort of pathway or bridge to the moon taking you up into the sky.”

The singer also did a bit of humming and swaying during this time.

As part of the ceremony, she handed out a coconut bowl filled with flower petals which attendees later scattered into Whitmore Bay.

After this, the attendees were given headphones, and the silent Disco began which of course featured Toploader’s ‘Dancing in the Moonlight’ as part of the playlist.

Attendees were thrilled to see Charlotte Church in person and experience the Disco.

Julie Hassoun and Lynne Harling said:

“We believe in everything she’s doing for charity and because we love dancing, we thought we’d come down.”

Rozz Norgate said: “I thought the moon ceremony was nice and relaxing.”

“It was very spiritual, Charlotte was fabulous and I think with age she’s mellowed out and looks fabulous.”

“Eden Warren described the event as “A vibe”- “It’s a vibe everyone’s dancing that a good start.”