Cardiff Capital Region has invested £45m to help develop and transform digital capabilities in villages, towns and cities in south east Wales.

The money has gone to Ogi, an alternative network provider, and represents CCR's largest single investment into a company since its formation in 2017.

The debt-financing package will help reduce digital disparities and offer local communities and businesses reliable services and ultrafast connectivity.

Cllr Mary Ann Brocklesby, leader of Monmouthshire County Council and chairman of Cardiff Capital Region Committee, said: “Bringing our region quite literally up to speed will enhance not only user experience, but also encourage further opportunities and economic growth that align with CCR’s vision for an inclusive, next generation digital infrastructure.”

Ogi’s chief executive officer, Ben Allwright, said: “Right from the start, our ambition has been to become a leading Welsh telecoms company, and the last few years have certainly laid strong foundations for that goal.

“With key strategic sites like Aberthaw to the south and the heads of the valleys to the north, there’s massive potential across the capital region – and partnering with CCR at such an exciting time in their own development is the next logical step for Ogi’s growth in south east Wales.”