Rubbish dumped outside a children’s daycare centre in Barry blocked off the main fire exit route for its nursery children.

Diane McDonald, who works at the Gibbonsdown Children's Centre, took to social media to express her disgust with the fly tipping.

In a post on social media, she said: ‘I hope you can sleep soundly in your new bed. Feel free to remove it tonight so our children can stay safe."

Fly Tipped RubbishFly Tipped Rubbish (Image: Diane McDonald)

Images posted online show a discarded mattress and bed frame dumped near the day care centre grounds.

Social media response to the post has triggered anger from local residents.

Gemma Lee, head of staff at the Gibbonsdown Children's Centre, said: “Sometimes it's little things, sometimes it's big things.

"The other day, we had a bed and a TV just dumped outside the nursery by our bins blocking our fire escape essentially.

“Some people just put things in our bins that’s rubbish of their own and we also get things like broken toys.

"It happens randomly throughout the year, probably every three months or so."

Gemma explained that the constant littering is taking its toll on the nursery.

She added: “If we don’t take it away ourselves then we have to pay to have it removed.

“The problem is we can’t afford to be removing other peoples stuff all the time. It can be a financial issue if obviously we can’t get people to remove stuff.”

“The council said did say first of all that we would have to pay for it which was like £100, and we said it's not our stuff and we haven’t put it there and they said they’d do it for a one off for us on this one now but obviously if there was another big one again we’d have to pay for it ourselves.”

“If someone dumped something in my garden, would I have to pay for it?”

Vale of Glamorgan Councillor Julie Aviet said: “I’ve been a councillor here since 2016 and flytipping is getting steadily worse.

"There’s no need for it, and there's only so much as a council you can do.”

A spokesperson for the Vale of Glamorgan Council said: “Fly-tipping is a crime that the council takes extremely seriously, with our officers regularly patrolling known hotspots.

“Anyone found to be committing this offence could face serious consequences, including a Fixed Penalty Notice, prosecution, fines of up to £50,000 or even imprisonment.

“It is also an offence to use an unregistered waste carrier to dispose of household of commercial waste."