Builders working near the Knapp are frustrated by members of the public who keep moving their construction cones and barriers.

Craig Robinson of Robinson Building and Surveying told Barry and District News that the cones and barriers currently placed in the area are designed to ‘protect the public’ as authorised by the highways department.

Robinson explained why this issue is concerning builders on the site. He said: “Help us get a message to the public explaining how dangerous this can be.”

According to Robinson, the cones are being moved so drivers can park further down the road. However, this creates an unsafe environment for pedestrians and has blocked the safe footway passageway on multiple occasions.

He said: “With the cones, people are moving them in tighter so they can park more cars there. The idea is you’re not allowed to park opposite the barriers, as it reduces the restriction.”

Pedestrians confused by the obstruction are either turning back down the footpath, physically moving the cones, or choosing to walk out on the carriageway.

Blocked off FootpathBlocked off Footpath (Image: NQ)

The interference also creates a dangerous environment for disabled individuals and elderly citizens

Robinson explained this: “It’s blocked so if you’ve got someone in a wheelchair or somebody that isn’t as strong as somebody else, they’d have to physically go all the way back and walk down the road.”

Robinson emphasised why this message to the public is necessary: “The Barriers and cones are there for protection, please adhere to the rules of the highway-Nobody wants anybody to get hurt.”

The company would feel the brunt of this

Robinson also emphasised how his insurance and construction company would suffer if anyone got injured during the construction process.

He said: “There was a guy running down there and all he needed to do was stumble or fall over them and then whose insurance would that have been? Mine.”

Traffic can be unpredictable

Robinson himself knows how dangerous the roads are these days: “The other weekend a car came behind us I was walking down the road with my granddaughter, and it was an electric car I didn’t even hear it until it was right behind me.”

Robinson Construction logoRobinson Construction logo (Image: NQ)


Construction is still underway as Robinson Building is currently working on 7 Lakeside  apartments they hope the public receive this message loud and clear.