A DEALER was caught out by a sniffer dog when he tried to sneak ecstasy and ketamine into a music venue while queuing up to get in.

Kian Morgan-Brew, 21, had tried to take drugs with a potential street value of £600 into Depot in Cardiff.

He was also arrested with a bag of 79% purity cocaine for his own personal use.

The defendant admitted two drug trafficking offences on the basis he was going to sell the ecstasy and ketamine to friends and that his profits would be used to pay for his own addiction.

Morgan-Brew pleaded guilty to possession of a class A drug with intent to supply and possession of a class B drug with intent to supply.

The father-of-one also accepted possession of cocaine.

The offences took place more than 15 months ago on Saturday, May 6, 2023.

Bethan Evans, prosecuting, told Cardiff Crown Court that the defendant has two previous convictions for five offences.

There were no similar matters on his record but it did include a conviction for violence.

Sol Hartley, mitigating, asked that his client’s young age and “lack of maturity” to be taken into account and the long delay in the case.

“He accepts his offending and is genuinely sorry for it,” he added.

“The defendant had no influence over others in the chain.

“This offending was out of character.”

Judge Lucy Crowther told Morgan-Brew that his mother had written a “moving letter” to her and urged him to read it.

She said that she was prepared to suspend the defendant’s prison sentence because there was a “realistic prospect of rehabilitation”.

Morgan-Brew, of Church Meadow, Boverton, Llantwit Major was jailed for two years suspended for 21 months.

He was ordered to carry out 200 hours of unpaid work and complete a 15-day rehabilitation activity requirement.

The defendant will have to pay a statutory £187 victim surcharge.