The Llanharan Community Development Project has been handed a £1,000 cheque.

This money was given to the project as part of the community champions scheme set up by Persimmon Homes.

The cheque was presented to the project by Persimmon and Senedd Member Huw Irranca-Davies MS, who is also the deputy First Minister of Wales.

The project helps families in Llanharan and surrounding areas by providing childcare, support groups, adult learning groups, and other community initiatives.

The money will support the renovation of the community centre from which staff and volunteers run a community café, provide citizens advice sessions, wellbeing classes, and more.

Mr Irranca-Davies said: "Thank you to Persimmon for their kind donation and work in the local community.

"It is always a pleasure to visit the Llanharan Community Development Project who are a vital community-based organisation that go above and beyond to support families and local residents.

"This money will be a boost to the community, and I want to thank the project’s dedicated team for all that they do."

Persimmon Homes West Wales' community champions scheme donates £24,000 each year to community organisations in the areas it develops.