A BARRY man was given a suspended prison sentence for attacking two police officers.

Johnson Sparkes, 27, attacked the officers in Cardiff in December 2023.

He pleaded guilty to two charges of assaulting an emergency worker in May.

There was also a third charge of obstructing a constable in the execution of his duty, for which he also pleaded guilty to.

Sparkes, of the town’s Dorset Avenue, was sentenced at Cardiff Magistrates Court on August 2.

He was given a 20 week prison sentence suspended for 18 months for one of the attacks and 10 weeks suspended of 18 months for the other attack.

He was also made to do 100 hours community work and pay total compensation to the officers of £250.

Sparkes will also go on a course of alcohol treatment at an institution for six months.

The reason for the judge handing out suspended prisons sentences was the belief there was a realistic prospect of Sparkes' rehabilitation in the community.

Got a story in Barry? Email harry.jamshidian@newsquest.co.uk.