150 people attended a special 2024 gallery event in Penarth.

The 'Euro-Wales 92 Group: Then & Now' exhibition at Turner House Gallery had a successful opening on June 6.

Geraint Talfan Davies, OBE, the former chairman of Wales for Europe, opened the exhibition.

There was also a 'Meet the Artists' session attended by more than 40 people on June 22.

This popular arts group's inception happened after a 1991 summer art school in Tuscany, co-led by Barry-based artist Ceri Thomas.

The official foundation occurred a year later in Wales, involving Glyn Pooley, Robert Greetham, and eight other artists.

All members shared a belief in Wales's place in European culture.

Ceri Thomas, a founding participant, said: "Our 2024 group show at the Turner House Gallery, Penarth, consists of mostly two-dimensional artworks, and a few three-dimensional pieces, produced in the years in and around our formation (1987-97) and within the last ten years (2014-24); a dynamic ‘then and now’ arrangement which reveals personal and wider continuities and changes.

"Thirty years on from our beginnings, we are now a new mix of twelve exhibitors: three, original, founder members (Robert Greetham, Glyn Pooley and Ceri Thomas) plus nine new contributors.

"Each of us has had links with the European continent through our artwork and/or in our lives in the pre-Brexit period."

The diversity was highlighted as a strength, with connections explicitly presented in the past and present works of some artists.

Ceri Thomas added: "We hope that our re-launch exhibition will enable our public (and us) to reflect upon our work and on our shared culture(s) thirty years ago and now."

The exhibition concludes on July 14.

The Euro-Wales 92 Group aims to showcase their work in Barry and other locations in the future.