A MAN from Barry dropped his trousers and exposed his genitals in Wales’ capital city Cardiff.

On August 30, 2023, Anthony Arkell, 47, was in the capital’s Vere Street driving a Mercedes Vito van, and this was where he was caught drink driving and driving without insurance.

Arkell also dropped his trousers and exposed his buttocks and penis in a public place while in the capital.

A trial was held at Cardiff Magistrates Court on June 2 to find Arkell guilty of drink driving.

On the drink driving charge, Arkell was found to be over twice the legal limit – he had 86 microgrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath, the legal limit in the UK is 35.

Of Barry Road, Barry, Arkell pled guilty on January 9 to committing indecent exposure, and changed his not guilty plea to guilty on May 28 for driving without insurance.

Arkell was released on bail and will be sentenced at magistrates in September after a pre-sentence report has been compiled.