A project to build affordable homes and a health centre in Barry has reached the next stage after The Vale of Glamorgan Council appointed consultants and architects to produce a masterplan for the project.

The council has enlisted the services of consultants AECOM and architects Austin Smith Lord to also undertake a feasibility study for the Western Gateway scheme.

The project will develop the Broad Street Clinic site and a piece of land adjacent to the Gladstone Road Bridge.

Chief executive of The Vale of Glamorgan Council, Rob Thomas said: “The Western Gateway Project will provide a modern health centre for Barry and much needed new social rented homes, some of which will be reserved for older people.

"Its town centre location will ensure it is easy to access by public transport and residents will have shops and services on their doorstep.

“The development of the scheme has been informed by our long-running placemaking work and as result we believe will truly feel part of the town.

"We have been working closely with Cardiff and Vale University Health Board and Welsh Government and the scheme is a great example of public sector partners working together for the benefit of Vale residents."

Also part of the proposal is a redesign of the Gladstone Road traffic junction to ease pedestrians access and cater to those travelling by public transport.

However, these improvements are subject to extra grant funding from the Welsh Government.

The redevelopment is forecast to cost around £18 million. It will be funded by a mix of Welsh Government Transforming Towns grant aid, Social Housing Grant and capital funding from the council.

A planning application for the redevelopment of the two sites is expected to be submitted in early 2025 following a community consultation.