HEROES don’t always wear capes – in this story they wear a hi-vis vest and carry a bin bag. In all seriousness there is nothing that annoys us more at the B&D than littering and nothing easier to do to improve your immediate environment, than pick up a piece of rubbish lying on the ground.

Will Dunn, 57, has done this to the tune of 3,000 bin bags…

Mr Dunn started litter picking when restrictions came down after Covid in 2020 and in that time he’s picked up everything from disposable coffee cups to Stanley blades.

Mr Dunn has also recovered 49 number plates dumped at the road side, a fire extinguisher and a super articulated tractor tyre for which he had to drag out the bushes and leave on the roadside for the council to pick up.

The most common items Mr Dunn finds is plastic bottles, empty cans and fast food waste.

On the epidemic of litter that this country suffers from, Mr Dunn summed it up with one word; ‘appalling’.

“My mother would have smacked me if she caught me littering,” said Mr Dunn. “It’s appalling.”

Along with picking up litter, Mr Dunn also writes a report for local councillors informing them of what he finds.

Barry And District News: Mr Dunn started litter picking as Covid restrictions reduced in 2020Mr Dunn started litter picking as Covid restrictions reduced in 2020 (Image: Newsquest)

Kevin Mahoney, Independent councillor for Sully and Cosmeston at Vale Council, said if it wasn't for Mr Dunn's efforts, Sully would be 'ankle deep' in rubbish.

“Will sets out just about every day picking up litter throughout the Sully ward from Cosmeston Park to Hayes Point and Biglis roundabout,” said Mr Mahoney.

“I receive a number of emails from him virtually every day in regards to where he has litter picked informing me where he has deposited full council supplied white bin bags near to the roadside for the council wagons to collect.

“I forward these locations to the council who then collect them up, sometimes anything up to 15 to 16 bags in a day, which I’m afraid gives a sad indication as to the scale of the problem of the unscrupulous dumping their litter throughout our communities.

“Without Will's voluntary efforts I’m convinced that we would be ankle deep in litter in the Sully ward in no time at all.”

Barry And District News: Mr Dunn has found everything from fast food wrappers to an articulated tractor tyre...Mr Dunn has found everything from fast food wrappers to an articulated tractor tyre... (Image: Newsquest)

Councillor Mark Wilson, Cabinet member for neighbourhood services, described Mr Dunn as a credit to his community.

“Three thousand rubbish bags is no mean feat and will have made a huge difference to the Sully Moors area,” said Cllr Wilson.

“Everyone wants to live in a neighbourhood that is clean and tidy but now more than ever we need people like Will working alongside council staff to make this possible.

"Will is a credit to his community.”

Have you seen Will by the roadside picking up litter? If you have, give him a shout out in comments, or on our Facebook page.