THE default 20mph speed limit is set to be debated in the Senedd today, and protesters will be meeting outside of the government building to drill home their message: That they 'are not getting used to the change in law.

The Senedd Lobby Group are holding what they have referred to as a 'peaceful gathering' on the Senedd steps on Wednesday, May 22, hours before members of the Senedd debate the issue around the petition and the 20mph default limit.

Annette Jones, organiser of the Senedd steps protests, said: “I am very grateful for the continuing support of the public. Today is about the Petition Debate and we are here again to remind the Members of the Senedd that we have many questions that remain unanswered regarding how this Bill was implemented.

Barry And District News: The 20mph default limit will be debated in the Senedd on Wednesday.The 20mph default limit will be debated in the Senedd on Wednesday. (Image: Newsquest)

"We continue to be frustrated with how the Review is happening, it is by no means a level playing field. Welsh Government say they are listening but the nearly half a million people who signed the petition do not feel their views are being heard or acted upon.”

Since September 17, the majority of residential roads throughout Wales changed from 30mph to 20mph which, according to the Welsh Government, was to help save lives.

The petition, at the time of closing on March 13, had 469,571 signatures.

This has become known as a record-breaking petition, making it the most signed petition in Senedd history.

Any petition that gathers over 10,000 signatures must be considered by the Petitions Committee for a debate.

Members of the Senedd are due to debate the issue surrounding the 20mph limit law in the Senedd in Cardiff Bay on Wednesday, May 22 around 5pm.

Natasha Asghar MS, Shadow Transport Minister, said: "I look forward to standing up for the people of Wales in the Senedd when the 20mph speed limit petition, that has reached nearly half a million signatures, will be debated."

A Welsh Government spokesperson said: "The Cabinet Secretary has set out his three phase plan for 20mph: a national listening programme, working in partnership with local government, and the supporting them to make changes.

"Building from the consensus that lower speeds are right around schools, hospitals, and in built-up residential areas the Cabinet Secretary has been busy engaging with the widest possible range of voices on 20mph.

"As part of that ongoing dialogue, the Cabinet Secretary recently met with the transport leads for both Plaid Cymru and the Welsh Conservatives."

Protesters will gather at the Senedd steps between 1pm and 4pm, with the debate on the 20mph petition beginning at around 5pm.