IT’S going to take time, and it’s going to take the voices of all of Barry to work out how the town will spend its £20m grant set to be received from the UK Government’s Levelling Up department.

In September 2023, it was announced UK Gov’s ‘Long-Term Plan for Towns programme’ would award 55 towns in the UK with a 10-year endowment-style fund of £20 million including Barry, and in April it was announced that co-founder of insurance goliath Admiral, David Stevens would chair Barry’s ‘partnership’, which will decide how the money is spent.

B&D met Mr Stevens at Penceodtre High where he was holding meetings with some of the partners in the partnership, including Vale Council leader and chief exec Lis Burnett and Rob Thomas as well as school head Innes Robinson.

Mr Stevens managed to squeeze ten minutes in for this little reporter giving me a chance to pick the brains of man who has a huge challenge on his hands and one that could go along way to improving the fortunes of one of Wales’ most loved seaside towns.

A man of Mr Stevens pedigree is not shying away, but began by controlling expectations and explaining what the huge project entails.

“We have to get a plan together by August about what we can do, a vision of where we might focus the money on,” said Mr Stevens. “It's not going to be a ‘this building is going to be refurbed’ or ‘this youth group will benefit from this’ sort of a plan.

“I cannot say anything yet because it's fundamentally against the system of Barry deciding how this money is spent.”

A man who did give some idea of what the money could go on was ‘Towns Tsar’ for Wales’ five towns to receive the funds Adam Hawksbee, who explained in a virtual media huddle on May 16 projects could include repairing shop fronts, building features in towns to improve them (he exampled fountains…), and improving connectivity (which included wifi – think the internet coverage on Holton Road…).

Mr Stevens laid out his credentials as to why he was the man to chair the ‘partnership’, one of those being he was at the forefront of creating a very successful company.

“The role of the chair is to make sure everyone’s view is heard and ensure the process is the right process,” said Mr Stevens.

“I bring 30 years experience running a large company and you have to pull a lot of strands together.”

Key to all this is the money is spent on five themes set up by the UK Gov, including: regeneration; high streets and heritage; tackling anti-social behaviour; improving safety and security; and improving connectivity.

The other key is the need for the voices of the people of Barry to decide where this money is goes.

Barry And District News: Mr Stevens co-founded insurance giant Admiral in 1991Mr Stevens co-founded insurance giant Admiral in 1991 (Image: Newsquest)

Mr Stevens said he has little direct say on this, and instead wants to find out where townspeople think the money is needed.

“I'm not coming to this having an agenda saying ‘Barry needs ‘X’.

“I do like the idea of piloting and testing things. So there might be things in the project that seem very small in the short term, but be bigger and more exciting in year three, four, or five.”

In the meeting with Towns Tsar Mr Hawksbee he said this levelling up money was about “solving problems, not dressing them up”, something Mr Stevens echoed and an attribute he likes about this exciting opportunity for Barry.

“I love the way the scheme is structured and its 10 year perspective.”

Vale Council is looking for representatives who would like to join the partnership, as well as those who would like to share their views at future engagement events.

If you would like to get involved in shaping Barry’s future, for more information and to register your interest, visit

Where should Barry’s £20m Levelling up funding boost, to be received over ten years, go? (Remember it has to link with the five themes!) Let us know in comments, on our Facebook page, or email