THE Barry Town Council Mayor met with members of the Beast Explorers Scout Unit to see how the group used grants provided to them by the council.

Barry Town Council Mayor, Cllr Ian Johnson was shown the work being undertaken by members to renovate the hall facilities.

The toilets were replaced by new ones and replumbed, which are used by all the groups who meet at the 5th Barry Scout Hall in Everard Street, where the Explorer Unit is based.

Mayor of Barry, Cllr Ian Johnson said: “It was a great pleasure to meet with the Beast Explorers Unit in their hall and see them enthusiastically enjoying their activities.

“This year, Barry Town Council have given grants to the Explorers to purchase new tents which they will use in next year’s camp in the Netherlands and to help them improve the building by upgrading the toilets and learning new skills while doing so.”

At the end of the evening, the mayor invested 11 new Explorers as members of the group and presented two Platinum Awards, one of the top awards for Explorers.

He added: “Congratulations to all of the new members, and especially the Explorers who were awarded their Platinum Awards.”

The group, which is part of the Tir a Mor Scout District in Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan, includes young people aged 14 to 18, who showed the mayor and consort, Cllr Millie Collins, their skills in erecting new tents, bought for the group by the council, and then successfully packing them away. 

The Explorers Scout Unit, which is from Barry East, will be attending a camp in the Netherlands next year where they will be using their new equipment.