A WOMAN from Barry who protected her brother from the Nazis received two letters of congratulations from royalty as she turned 100.

Helga Evans' life story is a little special - she was born in Norway, and during World War Two was imprisoned for six weeks and had to resist Nazi interrogation as they searched for her brother Lars, who was part of the resistance in the country.

Ms Evans met her husband Ronald who was stationed in Trondheim, on HMS Zebra.

Mr Evans, who sadly died 20 years ago, brought his wife to London in her early 20s. They travelled round with Mr Evans working in a bank, going to Barry and then to Brighton, but it was in Barry Ms Evans would lay her hat permanently, after getting through a difficult period during Covid.

With no immediate family around her in Brighton, and having lost her husband, Ms Evans survived lockdown with the help of friendly neighbors.

Then, five years ago, when an apartment came up for sale on Barry's Waterfront just above her daughter’s flat, Ms Evans moved back to South Wales.

Daughter Barbara Crabb, now 80, has lived in Barry since she was nine and was married in the town. She secured the flat for her mother and encouraged her to return to Wales.

Barry And District News: Helga Evans began her life in Norway where, during WW2, she protected her brother who was part of the resistance from the NazisHelga Evans began her life in Norway where, during WW2, she protected her brother who was part of the resistance from the Nazis (Image: Supplied)

Barry And District News: Five generations of family including Helga (centre sitting), daughter Barbara (right), son Brian (stood fourth left) and grandchildren, great grandchildren, and great great grandchild Archie (front, yellow)Five generations of family including Helga (centre sitting), daughter Barbara (right), son Brian (stood fourth left) and grandchildren, great grandchildren, and great great grandchild Archie (front, yellow) (Image: Supplied)

On June 18, some 100 years since Ms Evans was first born, a party was held at the Norwegian Church in Cardiff to celebrate Ms Evans’ birthday, which included a traditional Norwegian cake and not one, but two cards from two different Kings.

King Charles and Queen Consort Camilla congratulated Ms Evans on her milestone as did the King of Norway, Harald V.

But more special than that, Ms Evans had four generations of her family round her – from her children Barbara and Brian, right through to her great-great-grandchild Archie.

Barry And District News: Helga's great nephew Sverre brought her a letter from the King of Norway Harald VHelga's great nephew Sverre brought her a letter from the King of Norway Harald V (Image: Supplied)

When asked the secret of her mum’s longevity, Barbara replied with one word.

“Genes, I suppose,” said Barbara. “Mum was one of six, the youngest, and the only one alive now, but all her siblings lived until their 90s. Her parents were quite elderly too – I think they were farmers.

“Mum has always eaten well and looked after herself. She has always been active. She refuses to have a wheelchair and she used to do a lot of walking, until Covid.”

As well as being physically fit Ms Evans stays mentally fit, being a member of activity groups including Spanish conversation in Sully and poetry reading.

On Ms Evans’ party in Cardiff, Barbara said: “We had a wonderful party, with family from Norway, America and the UK.

“Uniquely she received birthday cards from two Kings. One from King Charles and Camilla, but she also had a card from the king of Norway. One of her great nephews had contacted the Palace and was able to bring the card from King Harald. That really was the icing on the cake.”

Many happy returns Helga Evans!