YOUR bills could be rising that little bit more.

Barry Town Council has proposed to put up the people of Barry’s precept by two per cent for the forthcoming financial year.

The town council precept is a tax that goes to the town council and is added to the council tax bill for residents in the town.

Police and fire services also add a percept charge but the vast majority of the bill residents pay is to the Vale of Glamorgan Council.

Councillor Brannen Brooks revealed the plan as she presented the council’s draft budget for 2023/24 at a full meeting on Monday, December 12.

In a report authored by deputy chief officer Mark Sims, the council’s gross expenditure for 2023/2024 was calculated at £1,699,481, with reserves projected to take a significant hit from £718,595 down to £495,019.

It is recommended the reserve should lie within a range between £424,870 and £1,699,481, leaving the council's rainy day money at the lower end of that range.

The precept for 2023/24 has now been suggested to be increased to £1,267,209 – a rise of 2 per cent.

Cllr Brooks said the rise was "very low" - it compares with UK inflation currently estimated to be running at just over 10 per cent.

Last year, the town council froze its portion of the council tax bill.

Speaking about Barry’s proposed precept rise, deputy mayor Cllr Ian Johnson commended the budget to the chamber, saying it was a small rise in fees while the council would take on more responsibility.

 “The precept rise is very low compared to inflation (and) there is a far bigger increase in the amount of work carried out by this council,” said Cllr Johnson.

Both Cllr Johnson and Cllr Brooks emphasised that this was a proposed figure, describing the increase as a ‘ball park’ number, with ‘room for movement’.

In February it was reported Barry Town Council voted to freeze council tax for the 2022/23 financial year.

During that time they consulted residents on a proposed 1.9 per cent rise in the precept, however 75 per cent of respondents said they would not support the increase.

The final budget for 2023/24, which will include the official figure for next year’s precept, will be decided at the next council meeting in February, following public consultation which will take place between December 21 and January 22.

Do you support the rise in the precept? Let us know in comments or why not email Barry and District News at ⁠