PUPILS from Mary Immaculate High School, in Wenvoe, took delivery of their GCSE grades today.

Children had not been able sit the usual exams, due to the coronavirus pandemic, but their grades have been awarded based on teacher assessment.

Head teacher, Huw Powell said: “We are very proud of our pupils in what has been an extremely difficult time.

"It was fantastic to see them all again (Thursday, August 20) and be able to celebrate with them.

"I am full of admiration for the resilience they have shown."


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"We have an exceptional team of dedicated staff who are passionate about what they do and provide outstanding care, support and guidance to our students," Mr Powell said.

"Despite the coronavirus impacting upon lessons, learners were able to complete their studies in lockdown thanks to the actions of caring staff using innovative technology, video conferencing and online platforms.”

Some exceptional performances this year included Ella Curtis and Georgia Wilson both of whom achieved an exceptional 11 A or A* grades.

Both intend to go on and study Higher Education at St David’s College and Cardiff and the Vale College.

Head girl, Ella Curtis said: ‘I would like to thank all of the staff at Mary Immaculate for all of their help and support that they have given us and their never ending efforts to help us succeed."

Other notable performances included Louie Cardinale and Zia Vella who achieved more than seven 7 A or A* grades.

In the last inspection, Mary Immaculate received an excellent inspection report with Estyn commenting on the exceptional progress made and the clear and persistent focus on pupil achievement.

The school was also recognised as a centre of excellence and has supported other schools locally and regionally in teaching, learning and leadership.

Mr Powell added: “However, today we need to focus entirely on our wonderful young people who have done themselves proud.

"I would also like to thank all the teachers, parents and carers for their support. Finally, we wish all our students every success in the future and look forward to tracking their achievement through Post 16 education, further study and their future careers. “