DYFFRYN Croquet Club will celebrate its 25th anniversary this summer by launching a recruitment drive.

The club plays at Dyffryn Gardens in St Nicholas, and started in July 1986 when 49 members signed up following a demonstration game. Since then the club has gone from strength to strength, and has won several League titles in the South West Federation.

Club chairman Sue Mackay, a founder member, says: "Dyffryn Gardens is a wonderful setting in which to play croquet.

"The game is more complicated than people think. It requires tactical ability and skill rather than strength, but is very different from the game people may have played in their gardens. A handicap system means it can be played on equal terms by men and women of all ages."

The club has players from all over South Wales, but is now in need of new blood to ensure it survives well into its second quarter century.

The club will be running two six-week courses for beginners, one on a Wednesday at 6.30pm (starting May 11) and one on Thursday afternoons at 1.30pm (starting May 12).

The cost will be £20, but this will be deducted from the cost of membership for those that decide to join. All equipment is provided, but flat soled shoes must be worn.

All those interested should contact Paul Pristavec on 01443 676239 or Sue Mackay on 01446 710237.

Further details on the club can be seen at www.dyffryncroquet.org.uk